Registration is closed
18:30 Door Open
19:00 Session Start, Opening remarks, by Hiro Yoshioka,
19:05 Lightning Talks
19:25 Presentation 1
Title: OSCON 2014, trip report
Abstract We will report OSCON 2014.
Speaker Hiro Yoshioka
19:55 Presentation 2
Title: OpenStackの概要と開発体制
Abstract: OpenStack全体像と、そのコミュニティや開発プロセスを紹介します。
Speakers Makigaki san, Sasaki san
20:25 Beer Bash
Help/volunteers wanted.
The Kernel Code Reading Party is an informal technical seminar. The topics include, but not limited are, Linux Kernel, Open Source Software, Community, Cloud Computing, and so on. The session is v...
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